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Game Type: Board

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What It's About

There's a trend in the Christian gaming market to copy successful secular games (actually the entire Christian marketplace does this).  It's often a successful strategy as Bibleopoly has proven.  It's essentially a knockoff of Monopoly:  the board layout, the community and chance cards, the layout of the properties, free parking, go to jail, etc are all there.  But it "christianizes" them.  Names are changed, rules are tweaked or changed, game play is altered to better reflect a Christian theme, etc.

Whether your are turned off by this or it doesn't matter to you, the game has shown that this kind of thing can be quite successful.  It's been around for at least eight years and continues to sell well.  And, in fact, the game does manage to be fun.  It's hard to tell if the fun comes from deriving so much from the best selling board game of all time or because it offers something truly original.

For me, I found that it was indeed relatively fun, though there is nothing particularly compelling about playing it over playing Monopoly.  Instead I think its draw is solely based on two factors:  It has easy and familiar game play and it has a Christian angle to it.

For instance, instead of building houses you build one Church.  The first person to build their church wins.  Of course, like Monopoly, you have to own all the properties in a color group before you can build.  The railroads are replaced by four Abyss' but you'll find the chance and community cards (renamed of course) in the same slots.

Instead of going to jail you to to Meditation.  You still need to roll the die three times before you can get out.  If you roll doubles three times you get sent to Meditation.  If you would go around "go" (In The Beginning) you don't get to collect.  Sound familiar?  It's no accident they called it Bibleopoly.  The creators aren't trying to hide this connection to Monopoly.  They are counting on player's to recognize it.


Well, can you tell I'm a bit turned off by the unoriginal nature of this game?  But it's not all a knockoff.  There are some interesting and original aspects to it.  But before I get to that....when you land on property owned by a player instead of paying them rent, you give them an offering...<cough>.

One of the twists to game play allows you to help another to build a Church.  You can also thwart someone's chances by buying up a property on a color group they are trying to buy but there is a card that allows you to force a property swap with another player.  While the cooperation aspects of the game are interesting, the makers clearly realized that some competition was needed to keep the game interesting.  In fact the prime way to win is to be sure you buy property out from under your opponents.  But the reason for this isn't what you might expect.  Read on to see why.

As mentioned above, the key to winning the game is to be the first to build a church on your property. Here is where the game introduces some originality.  To build the church you start with a cornerstone.  The cornerstone can only be built by helping another player complete a color group or sitting out for three turns voluntarily (community service).

There you have it.  Once someone finishes building a church, everyone advances to that property and they all celebrate the grand opening and the owner gives it a name.  Game over.

Christian Content

So, what's the Christian aspects to this game?  Well, you get to make offerings and build a church and to help someone else complete a color group.  The cards sometimes aren't a straight re-wording of the Monopoly cards.  One requires you to recite John 3:16 or lose a turn.  One card has everyone giving you 3 offerings because of your kindness and generosity.  That one sounded backwards to me.  The game board has cities found in the Bible so you get to know their names.


All in all, as much as it turns me off that such an obvious rip-off of Monopoly is so well received when more original Christian games flounder I'll admit that I enjoyed playing Bibleopoly.  I wasn't lots of fun, but it was enjoyable.  I presume that since the game is still doing well that lots of people don't mind the lack of originality.  In fact it's probably the familiarity that draws them to it.

That leads me to think that Christians want the fun found in secular games but they want to enjoy it in a Christian context.  I don't think Bibleopoly offers much depth in Christian game play (in fact I think it's rather superficial) but it's reasonably good fun with a sprinkling of Christian content.

Final Score

Highlights: Familiar game play makes learning it simply and easy.

Lowlights: It's a knockoff of Monopoly so it's essentially unoriginal.

Recommendation: Not worth buying if you want an original and solid Christian game.  It's still enjoyable to play so if you're looking for an easy to learn family game that's at least superficially Christian this one might fit the bill for you.

Hints: Play Monopoly

Age Appropriateness: Pre-Teen to Adult

Christian Sense (CS): 3

Game Mechanics (GE): 3

Game Play (GP): 3

Overall: 3